Options Oracle: 10/11/17

TOO 101117

We’ve had great success selling credit spreads, and while it’s tempting to “swing for the fence” to hit a home run, the odds of making money are much greater when we go for the singles. If you are not familiar with the game of baseball, forgive the analogy. however, my goal is to help you make the most money, with the most consistent strategies. There will absolutely be times when we speculate on high probability trades, but we don’t want to take any chances just before the Federal Reserve makes their comments on interest rates this week.

Below is a link that will bring you to our next trade candidate.
I’ve also attached a PDF file that outlines the details for managing risk. Be sure to review all of the material before entering any trades to your account.
Have a great trading day tomorrow.

To gain access to the PDF download and video, sign up for an Options Oracle Subscription!

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